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🔨 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Tips and Instructions

SD Card Format

Formatting an SD memory card may be needed to resolve card corruption, card errors, or image transmission errors. We recommend formatting the card if your camera displays the below errors or behavior. This is not a comprehensive list and is an exampl

Factory Resetting a Camera

If your Barn Owl camera is not sending photos (including On Demand commands) or you need to resolve other operational issues, you may need to perform a reset. Follow the steps below for resetting your camera:. RangeCam and RangeCam Mini Model Cameras

What is an Incomplete Transmission?

An incomplete transmission is a photo that was not fully transmitted. This results in a partial image that cannot be fully viewed. In many cases, this is the result of a temporary dip in cellular signal from the nearest tower, which will rebound in 2

Solar Panel & AA Battery Troubleshooting

How often should my camera need AA batteries?Based on average camera activity and settings, you should replace the camera's AA batteries based on the below guidelines.Low Maintenance Panel: AA replacements roughly every 6-12 months.Zero Maintenance P

Send A Test Photo

Sending a test photo is recommended when setting up a new camera or troubleshooting a camera performance issue. The result will either be Send Succeeded or Send Failed, and if the test photo fails an error code (such as 403, 201, etc) will follow. Pl